VectorBT Pro - Parameter Optimisation of a Strategy
In this tutorial, we will see how to do Parameter Optimization
on the Double Bollinger Band strategy
we had seen in our earlier tutorials. The goal of parameter optimization is to find the optimal values for the parameters of an algorithmic trading strategy to maximize a performance metric like total_returns
, Sharpe Ratio
, Sortino Ratio
, Win Rate
etc. or also to minimize certain metrics like Total Drawdown
. Quintessentially, we will see how to:
- Use the
decorator to easily convert any strategy function into a parameter optimization simulation. - Use the
object to createtrain
splits for cross validation of the parameter optimization process.
Loading and resampling market data
As always, we begin by loading the market data, in this case BTCUSDT
(one minute) data from Binance. We will then resample the M1
data to higher timeframes and store this resampled data in a dictionary for quick in memory access during the parameter optimization process.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import vectorbtpro as vbt
## Acquire BTCUSDT 1m crypto data from Binance
data = vbt.BinanceData.fetch(
start="2019-01-01 UTC",
end="2023-02-02 UTC",
## Save acquired data locally for persistance
To read hdf
files of market data downloaded from Binance, VectorBT Pro has this vbt.BinanceData.from_hdf()
method which automatically deals with resampling issues for all the columns.
## Load m1 data - GBPUSD
m1_data = vbt.BinanceData.from_hdf('../data/Binance_BTCUSDT_OHLCV_3Y_m1.h5')
## Resample m1 data to higher timeframes
m5_data = m1_data.resample('5T') # Convert 1 minute to 5 mins
m15_data = m1_data.resample('15T') # Convert 1 minute to 15 mins
m30_data = m1_data.resample('30T') # Convert 1 minute to 30 mins
h1_data = m1_data.resample("1H") # Convert 1 minute to 1 hour
h2_data = m1_data.resample("2H") # Convert 1 minute to 2 hour
h4_data = m1_data.resample('4H') # Convert 1 minute to 4 hour
h12_data = m1_data.resample('12H') # Convert 1 minute to 12 hour
d1_data = m1_data.resample('1D') # Convert 1 minute to Daily data
mtf_data = { "1T" : m1_data, "5T" : m5_data, "15T" : m15_data, "30T" : m30_data,
"1H" : h1_data, "2H" : h2_data, "4H" : h4_data, "12H" : h12_data, "1D" : d1_data }
We will also create helper functions like:
- to retrive mapped key values from thisfreq_dict
mapper dictflatten_list
- to flatten a 2D list into a 1D listcreate_list_numbers
- to generate a range list of numbers
freq_dict = { "1T" : 1, "5T" : 5, "15T" : 15, "30T" : 30,
"1H" : 60, "2H" : 120, "4H" : 240, "8H" : 480,
"12H" : 720, "1D": 1440 }
def remapped_tf(input_value : int) -> str:
"""Map an integer to a string timeframe format"""
tf_freq = {1 : "1T", 5 : "5T", 15 : "15T", 30 : "30T", 60 :"1H",
120 : "2H", 240 : "4H", 720 : "12H", 1440 : "1D"}
new_value = tf_freq.get(input_value)
return new_value
def flatten_list(list_2D : list):
"""Flatten a list of list of strings"""
flat_list = list_2D if len(list_2D) == 0 else [item for sublist in list_2D for item in sublist]
return flat_list
def create_list_numbers(r1, r2, step):
"""Create a list of numbers between two bounds (r1, r2 which can be float or int) and incrementing
each number using the specified `step` value """
if type(r1) == float and type(r2) == float:
return list(np.round(np.arange(r1, r2+step, step), 2))
return list(np.arange(r1, r2+step, step))
You might remember this create_resamplers
function from our first tutorial which we used for upsampling
def create_resamplers(result_dict_keys_list : list, source_indices : list,
source_frequencies :list, target_index : pd.Series, target_freq : str):
Creates a dictionary of vbtpro resampler objects.
result_dict_keys_list : list, list of strings, which are keys of the output dictionary
source_indices : list, list of pd.time series objects of the higher timeframes
source_frequencies : list(str), which are short form representation of time series order. Eg:["1D", "4h"]
target_index : pd.Series, target time series for the resampler objects
target_freq : str, target time frequency for the resampler objects
resamplers_dict : dict, vbt pro resampler objects
resamplers = []
for si, sf in zip(source_indices, source_frequencies):
resamplers.append(vbt.Resampler(source_index = si, target_index = target_index,
source_freq = sf, target_freq = target_freq))
return dict(zip(result_dict_keys_list, resamplers))
The decorator @vbt.parameterized
is engine-agnostic and parameterizes a strategy function and returns a new function with the same signature as the passed one. This decorator enhances our optimal_2BB
strategy function (below) to take arguments wrapped with vbt.Param
, and build the grid of parameter combinations, run the optimal_2BB
function on each parameter combination, and merge the results using concatenation.
The following arguments are used in the @vbt.parameterized()
random_subset = 1000
, randomly selects 1000 combinations out of millions of combinations, like we do inrandom selection
merge_func = "concat"
, concats the output of each output row-wise, to the samepd.Series
, other values formerg_func
show_progress = True
, shows thetqdm
progress bar of the simulation
@vbt.parameterized(merge_func = "concat", random_subset = 1000, show_progress=True)
def optimal_2BB(lower_tf : int = 1, higher_tf: int = 5,
ltf_rsi_timeperiod : int = 21,
bb_price_timeperiod : int = 14, bb_rsi_timeperiod : int = 14,
bb_price_nbdevup : int = 2, bb_price_nbdevdn: int = 2,
bb_rsi_nbdevup : int = 2, bb_rsi_nbdevdn : int = 2,
output_metric : str | list = "total_return",
index = None
lower_tf = remapped_tf(lower_tf)
higher_tf = remapped_tf(higher_tf)
# print("New Lower TF:", lower_tf, "New Higher TF:", higher_tf)
if index is None:
ltf_data = mtf_data[lower_tf]
htf_data = mtf_data[higher_tf]
# print(f"Start Index:{index[0]} || End Index: {index[-1]}")
ltf_data = mtf_data[lower_tf].loc[index[0]:index[-1]]
htf_data = mtf_data[higher_tf].loc[index[0]:index[-1]]
### Get OHLC prices for lower and higher timeframes
ltf_open, ltf_high, ltf_low, ltf_close = ltf_data.get('Open'), ltf_data.get('High'), ltf_data.get('Low'), ltf_data.get('Close')
htf_open, htf_high, htf_low, htf_close = htf_data.get('Open'), htf_data.get('High'), htf_data.get('Low'), htf_data.get('Close')
ltf_rsi = vbt.talib("RSI", timeperiod = ltf_rsi_timeperiod).run(ltf_close, skipna=True).real.ffill()
ltf_bbands_rsi = vbt.talib("BBANDS").run(ltf_rsi, timeperiod = bb_rsi_timeperiod, nbdevup = bb_rsi_nbdevup, nbdevdn = bb_rsi_nbdevdn, skipna=True)
htf_bbands_price = vbt.talib("BBANDS").run(htf_close, timeperiod = bb_price_timeperiod, nbdevup = bb_price_nbdevup, nbdevdn = bb_price_nbdevdn, skipna=True)
## Initialize dictionary
data = {}
col_values = [ ltf_close, ltf_rsi,ltf_bbands_rsi.upperband, ltf_bbands_rsi.middleband, ltf_bbands_rsi.lowerband ]
col_keys = [ "ltf_close", "ltf_rsi", "ltf_bbands_rsi_upper", "ltf_bbands_rsi_middle", "ltf_bbands_rsi_lower" ]
# Assign key, value pairs for method of time series data to store in data dict
for key, time_series in zip(col_keys, col_values):
data[key] = time_series.ffill()
resampler_dict_keys = [higher_tf + "_" + lower_tf]
list_resamplers = create_resamplers(result_dict_keys_list = resampler_dict_keys,
source_indices = [htf_close.index],
source_frequencies = [higher_tf],
target_index = ltf_close.index,
target_freq = lower_tf)
# print(list_resamplers)
## Use along with Manual indicator creation method for MTF
series_to_resample = [
[htf_open, htf_high, htf_low, htf_close,
htf_bbands_price.upperband, htf_bbands_price.middleband, htf_bbands_price.lowerband]
resample_data_keys = [
["htf_open", "htf_high", "htf_low", "htf_close",
"htf_bbands_price_upper", "htf_bbands_price_middle", "htf_bbands_price_lower"]
df_cols_order = col_keys + flatten_list(resample_data_keys)
## Create resampled time series data aligned to base line frequency (15min)
# print("COLUMNS ORDER:", df_cols_order)
for lst_series, lst_keys, resampler in zip(series_to_resample, resample_data_keys, resampler_dict_keys):
for key, time_series in zip(lst_keys, lst_series):
if key.lower().endswith('open'):
# print(f'Resampling {key} differently using vbt.resample_opening using "{resampler}" resampler')
resampled_time_series = time_series.vbt.resample_opening(list_resamplers[resampler])
resampled_time_series = time_series.vbt.resample_closing(list_resamplers[resampler])
data[key] = resampled_time_series
## construct a multi-timeframe dataframe
mtf_df = pd.DataFrame(data)[df_cols_order]
# print("DataFrame Output:\n", mtf_df.head())
## Long Entry Conditions
c1_long_entry = (mtf_df['htf_low'] <= mtf_df['htf_bbands_price_lower'])
c2_long_entry = (mtf_df['ltf_rsi'] <= mtf_df['ltf_bbands_rsi_lower'] )
## Long Exit Conditions
c1_long_exit = (mtf_df['htf_high'] >= mtf_df['htf_bbands_price_upper'])
c2_long_exit = (mtf_df['ltf_rsi'] >= mtf_df['ltf_bbands_rsi_upper'])
## Create entries and exit columns using the above conditions
mtf_df['entry'] = c1_long_entry & c2_long_entry
mtf_df['exit'] = c1_long_exit & c2_long_exit
mtf_df['signal'] = 0
mtf_df['signal'] = np.where( mtf_df['entry'], 1, 0)
mtf_df['signal'] = np.where( mtf_df['exit'] , -1, mtf_df['signal'])
entries = mtf_df.signal == 1.0
exits = mtf_df.signal == -1.0
pf = vbt.Portfolio.from_signals(
close = ltf_close,
entries = entries,
exits = exits,
direction = "both", ## This setting trades both long and short signals
freq = pd.Timedelta(minutes = freq_dict[lower_tf]),
init_cash = 100000
if type(output_metric) == str:
return pf.deep_getattr(output_metric) ## When tuning a single metric
elif type(output_metric) == list:
return pd.Series({k: getattr(pf, k) for k in output_metric}) ## When you want to tune a list of metrics
Double Bollinger Band - Strategy
As a quick recap, the rules of the strategy coded in optimal_2BB
are as follows:
A long (buy) signal is generated whenever the higher timeframe (Low) price goes below its lower Bollinger band, and the lower timeframe RSI goes below its lower Bollinger band (RSI).
A short (sell) signal is generated whenever the higher timeframe (High) price breaks its upper Bollinger band, and the lower timeframe RSI breaks above its upper Bollinger band (RSI).
We can invoke the parameter optimization process by passing the list of parameters we want for each argument wrapped in the vbt.Param
The vbt.Param
class also accepts conditions, like in our case we don't want the lower_tf
to have a value greater than the higher_tf
so we specify that using the condition
argument inside the vbt.Param
class. In this particular case we are just specifying one metric (total_return
) to tune our parameter optimization.
pf_results = optimal_2BB(
lower_tf = vbt.Param([1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 720], condition = "x <= higher_tf"),
higher_tf = vbt.Param([1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 720, 1440]),
ltf_rsi_timeperiod = vbt.Param(create_list_numbers(18, 22, 1)),
bb_price_timeperiod = vbt.Param(create_list_numbers(18, 22, 1)),
bb_rsi_timeperiod = vbt.Param(create_list_numbers(18, 22, 1)),
bb_price_nbdevup = vbt.Param(create_list_numbers(1.5, 2.5, step = 0.25)),
bb_price_nbdevdn = vbt.Param(create_list_numbers(1.5, 2.5, step = 0.25)),
bb_rsi_nbdevup = vbt.Param(create_list_numbers(1.5, 2.5, step = 0.25)),
bb_rsi_nbdevdn = vbt.Param(create_list_numbers(1.5, 2.5, step = 0.25)),
output_metric = "total_return"
print(f"Best Total Returns: {round(pf_results.max(), 2)} %")
print(f"Parameter Combinations with Best Total Returns:{pf_results.idxmax()}")
print(f"Worst Total Returns: {round(pf_results.min(), 2)} %")
print(f"Parameter Combinations with Worst Total Returns:{pf_results.idxmin()}")
Best Total Returns: 8917.26 %
Parameter Combinations with Best Total Returns:(1, 1, 19, 20, 22, 1.75, 2.25, 1.5, 2.0)
Worst Total Returns: -4.41 %
Parameter Combinations with Worst Total Returns:(120, 1440, 18, 19, 22, 2.5, 2.0, 2.25, 2.5)
Since for this simulation, we selected only a single output metric ( total_returns
), we get a multi-index pandas series which we can sort to quickly see the most promising results

We can also pass multiple metrics as a list to the output_metric
argument, and the output the entire portfolio simulation a multi-index pandas series. Of course, in this case, it is not like we are tuning multiple knobs and dials to get an optimal value for all the metrics passed, but we are just returning multiple metrics as part of the output of each simulation.
pf_results = optimal_2BB(
lower_tf = vbt.Param([5, 30], condition = "x <= higher_tf"),
higher_tf = vbt.Param([1, 5, 15]),
ltf_rsi_timeperiod = vbt.Param(create_list_numbers(18, 22, 1)),
bb_price_timeperiod = vbt.Param(create_list_numbers(18, 22, 1)),
bb_rsi_timeperiod = vbt.Param(create_list_numbers(18, 22, 1)),
bb_price_nbdevup = vbt.Param(create_list_numbers(1.5, 2.5, step = 0.25)),
bb_price_nbdevdn = vbt.Param(create_list_numbers(1.5, 2.5, step = 0.25)),
bb_rsi_nbdevup = vbt.Param(create_list_numbers(1.5, 2.5, step = 0.25)),
bb_rsi_nbdevdn = vbt.Param(create_list_numbers(1.5, 2.5, step = 0.25)),
output_metric = ["total_profit", "total_return", "max_drawdown", "sharpe_ratio"]
To flatten the multi-index series and convert it into a pandas DataFrame, we can use this following code:
pf_results_df = pf_results.unstack(level = -1)
pf_results_df = pf_results_df[['total_return','max_drawdown','sharpe_ratio']].sort_values(
by=['total_return', 'max_drawdown'],
## To check if our condition for `lower_tf` works
print("Length of DF:",len(pf_results_df[pf_results_df['lower_tf'] > pf_results_df['higher_tf']]))
Length of DF: 0
print(f"Best Total Returns: {round(pf_results_df['total_return'].max(), 2)} %")
print(f"Parameter Combinations with Best Total Returns:")
Best Total Returns: 504.49 %
Parameter Combinations with Best Total Returns:
lower_tf | higher_tf | ltf_rsi_timeperiod | bb_price_timeperiod | bb_rsi_timeperiod | bb_price_nbdevup | bb_price_nbdevdn | bb_rsi_nbdevup | bb_rsi_nbdevdn | total_return | max_drawdown | sharpe_ratio | |
0 | 5 | 5 | 18.0 | 18.0 | 19.0 | 2.25 | 1.5 | 1.75 | 2.0 | 504.490043 | -0.389288 | 2.328832 |
print(f"Worst Total Returns: {round(pf_results_df['total_return'].min(), 2)} %")
print(f"Parameter Combinations with Worst Total Returns:")
Worst Total Returns: -0.98 %
Parameter Combinations with Worst Total Returns:
lower_tf | higher_tf | ltf_rsi_timeperiod | bb_price_timeperiod | bb_rsi_timeperiod | bb_price_nbdevup | bb_price_nbdevdn | bb_rsi_nbdevup | bb_rsi_nbdevdn | total_return | max_drawdown | sharpe_ratio | |
999 | 5 | 15 | 20.0 | 22.0 | 20.0 | 2.25 | 2.5 | 2.25 | 2.5 | -0.977365 | -0.991565 | -0.704983 |
Cross Validation
Cross-Validation (CV) is a technique used to curb overfitting, which involves partitioning a sample of data into complementary subsets, performing the analysis on one subset of data called the training
or in-sample
(IS) set, and validating the analysis on the other subset of data called the testing
, validation
or out-of-sample
(OOS) set. This procedure is repeated until we have multiple OOS periods and can draw statistics from these results combined. CV is mainly done for the following reasons:
- Improve robustness testing of the strategy
- Mitigate the risk of running wrong predictions.
- This is because, the input data, usually retrieved from a limited time frame slice of history, is highly biased and can not produce reliable forecasts. One way to mitigate the risk of running wrong predictions is to do CV, where we re-run backtests many times but each with slightly different data input
At the heart of implementing CV functionality in vectorBT Pro is the class Splitter
, whose main responsibility is to produce arbitrary splits and perform operations on those splits. The workings of this class are quite simple- the user calls one of the class methods with the prefix from_
to generate splits; in return, a splitter instance is returned with splits and their labels being saved in a memory-efficient array format. This instance can be used to analyze the split distribution, to chunk array-like objects, and to run User Defined Functions (UDFs).
The splitter class has many methods like:
In this tutorial we will just go over the from_rolling
splitter method as it is the typical requirement of creating data splits. It is beyond the scope of this tutorial, to go over all the splitter methods above, so it is recommended to read the vectorbtpro
documentation to decide which method would best fit your use case.
Let's create a splitter schema using splitter.from_rolling()
method for cross-validation of our optimal_2BB
## Global Plot Settings
vbt.settings['plotting']['layout']['width'] = 1600
splitter = vbt.Splitter.from_rolling(
index = d1_data.index,
length = 360,
split = 0.5,
set_labels = ["train", "test"]
The arguments we have used in the from_rolling
method for the above schema are as follows:
- datatime index series required to create the splits from. In this case, we used the the index series from the daily (d1_data
) data.length
- can beint
, ortimedelta_like
. Floating values between 0 and 1 are considered relative. Length can also be negative. We have used 360 days as the length of a single split.split
- Ranges to split the range into. If None, will produce the entire range as a single range. Heresplit = 0.5
means, we will be splitting the length of 360 days into equal splits fortrain
- Labels corresponding to the selected row/column groups. In our case we are creating two sets calledtrain
The smallest unit of a splitter is a range, which is a period of time that can be mapped onto data. On the plot above, we can count a total of 14 ranges - 7 blue ones for train sets and 7 orange ones for test sets. Multiple ranges next to each other and representing a single test are called a split; there are 6 splits present in the chart, such that we expect one pipeline to be tested on 6 different data ranges. Different range types within each split are called sets. We have used the two sets - "training" and "test" (commonly used in backtesting). The number of sets is fixed throughout all splits.
set | train | test |
split | ||
0 | slice(0,180,None) | slice(180,360,None) |
1 | slice(180,360,None) | slice(360,540,None) |
2 | slice(360,540,None) | slice(540,720,None) |
3 | slice(540,720,None) | slice(720,900,None) |
4 | slice(720,900,None) | slice(900,1080,None) |
5 | slice(900,1080,None) | slice(1080,1260,None) |
6 | slice(1080,1260,None) | slice(1260,1440,None) |
Time is being tracked separately in Splitter.index
while assets aren't being tracked at all since they have no implications on splitting.
DatetimeIndex(['2019-01-01 00:00:00+00:00', '2019-01-02 00:00:00+00:00',
'2019-01-03 00:00:00+00:00', '2019-01-04 00:00:00+00:00',
'2019-01-05 00:00:00+00:00', '2019-01-06 00:00:00+00:00',
'2019-01-07 00:00:00+00:00', '2019-01-08 00:00:00+00:00',
'2019-01-09 00:00:00+00:00', '2019-01-10 00:00:00+00:00',
'2023-01-23 00:00:00+00:00', '2023-01-24 00:00:00+00:00',
'2023-01-25 00:00:00+00:00', '2023-01-26 00:00:00+00:00',
'2023-01-27 00:00:00+00:00', '2023-01-28 00:00:00+00:00',
'2023-01-29 00:00:00+00:00', '2023-01-30 00:00:00+00:00',
'2023-01-31 00:00:00+00:00', '2023-02-01 00:00:00+00:00'],
dtype='datetime64[ns, UTC]', name='Open time', length=1493, freq='D')
print("Total Nr. of Splits:",len(close_slices.index))
df_splits = pd.DataFrame(close_slices.index.tolist(), columns=["split", "period"])
unique_splits = df_splits["split"].unique().tolist()
print("Unique Splits:", unique_splits)
Total Nr. of Splits: 14
Unique Splits: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
split | period | |
0 | 0 | train |
1 | 0 | test |
2 | 1 | train |
3 | 1 | test |
4 | 2 | train |
5 | 2 | test |
6 | 3 | train |
7 | 3 | test |
8 | 4 | train |
9 | 4 | test |
10 | 5 | train |
11 | 5 | test |
12 | 6 | train |
13 | 6 | test |
Compute Baseline Returns across splits
The baseline returns is just the buy and hold returns for buying and holding the asset for the period of the split.
def get_total_return(close_prices):
return close_prices.vbt.to_returns()
base_line_returns = close_slices.apply(get_total_return)
split set
0 train 2.134762
test -0.336472
1 train -0.336472
test 0.326704
2 train 0.326704
test 1.523051
3 train 1.523051
test 0.576598
4 train 0.576598
test 0.377110
5 train 0.377110
test -0.527897
6 train -0.527897
test -0.226275
dtype: float64
Print upper and lower bound in each split
train_slices = [slice(close_slices[i, "train"].index[0], close_slices[i, "train"].index[-1]) for i in unique_splits]
[slice(Timestamp('2019-01-01 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC', freq='D'), Timestamp('2019-06-29 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC', freq='D'), None),
slice(Timestamp('2019-06-30 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC', freq='D'), Timestamp('2019-12-26 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC', freq='D'), None),
slice(Timestamp('2019-12-27 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC', freq='D'), Timestamp('2020-06-23 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC', freq='D'), None),
slice(Timestamp('2020-06-24 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC', freq='D'), Timestamp('2020-12-20 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC', freq='D'), None),
slice(Timestamp('2020-12-21 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC', freq='D'), Timestamp('2021-06-18 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC', freq='D'), None),
slice(Timestamp('2021-06-19 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC', freq='D'), Timestamp('2021-12-15 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC', freq='D'), None),
slice(Timestamp('2021-12-16 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC', freq='D'), Timestamp('2022-06-13 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC', freq='D'), None)]
test_slices = [slice(close_slices[i, "test"].index[0], close_slices[i, "test"].index[-1]) for i in unique_splits]
[slice(Timestamp('2019-06-30 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC', freq='D'), Timestamp('2019-12-26 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC', freq='D'), None),
slice(Timestamp('2019-12-27 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC', freq='D'), Timestamp('2020-06-23 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC', freq='D'), None),
slice(Timestamp('2020-06-24 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC', freq='D'), Timestamp('2020-12-20 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC', freq='D'), None),
slice(Timestamp('2020-12-21 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC', freq='D'), Timestamp('2021-06-18 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC', freq='D'), None),
slice(Timestamp('2021-06-19 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC', freq='D'), Timestamp('2021-12-15 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC', freq='D'), None),
slice(Timestamp('2021-12-16 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC', freq='D'), Timestamp('2022-06-13 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC', freq='D'), None),
slice(Timestamp('2022-06-14 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC', freq='D'), Timestamp('2022-12-10 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC', freq='D'), None)]
- Applying our optimal_2BB
function to the splitter sets
We can use the splitter.apply()
to apply the different splits on our strategy optimal_2BB
function, by selecting the splits by their set label (eg: train
or test
). We would pass our strategy function (optimal_2BB
) to the apply_func
argument of the splitter_apply
method and the arguments of the optimal_2BB
function typically follow after the apply_func
The splitter.apply()
method also has lots of arguments on its own and below we will see the significant ones used here:
argument allows us to pass thesplitter.index
variable containing our timeseries index, wrapped with the classvbt.Takeable
which represents an object from which a range can be taken. Thevbt.Takeable
method will select a slice from it and substitute the instruction with that slice.set_
argument allows us to select theset_label
from the splitter object, in our case eithertrain
argument over-rides the argumentrandom_subset
and determines the nr. of simulations to run per splitmerge_func
argument with the valueconcat
allows to append the result of each simulation in the train set row-wise (axis = 0
control the execution of each split/set/range_execute_kwargs
control the execution of your parameter combinations
When we use this optimal_2BB
function during cross-validation by calling splitter.apply()
method, we have to pass an index
argument to our optimal_2BB
function. We slice the dataframe using this index
argument (eg: mtf_data[lower_tf]loc[index[0]:index[-1]]
) inside the optimal_2BB
function since we are doing vbt.Splitter.from_rolling()
in this tutorial.
Generally, if the splitter produces date ranges that contain no gaps, such as in from_rolling
method and most other cross-validation schemes for time-series data, we can use the first and the last date (also called "bounds"
) of each produced date range to select the subset of data.
For splitter versions that produce gaps, such as for k-fold cross-validation schemes (which are rarely used anyway), we must use the entire index to select the subset of data.
Performance on train
Below we will see the splitter.apply
used on our train
train_perf = splitter.apply(
apply_func = optimal_2BB, ## apply your strategy function to the splitter object, followed by its arguments
lower_tf = vbt.Param([1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 720], condition = "x <= higher_tf"),
higher_tf = vbt.Param([1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 720, 1440]),
ltf_rsi_timeperiod = vbt.Param(create_list_numbers(18, 22, 1)),
bb_price_timeperiod = vbt.Param(create_list_numbers(18, 22, 1)),
bb_rsi_timeperiod = vbt.Param(create_list_numbers(18, 22, 1)),
bb_price_nbdevup = vbt.Param(create_list_numbers(1.5, 2.5, step = 0.25)),
bb_price_nbdevdn = vbt.Param(create_list_numbers(1.5, 2.5, step = 0.25)),
bb_rsi_nbdevup = vbt.Param(create_list_numbers(1.5, 2.5, step = 0.25)),
bb_rsi_nbdevdn = vbt.Param(create_list_numbers(1.5, 2.5, step = 0.25)),
output_metric = "sharpe_ratio",
#### Arguments of splitter.apply() not related to strategy
index = vbt.Takeable(splitter.index), ## DataTime index from the splitter object
set_ = "train", ## Specify the set to be used for this CV simulation - train or test
_random_subset = 500, ## Specify the nr. of simulations to run per train split
merge_func = "concat", ## concat the results
execute_kwargs=dict(show_progress=True), ## execute_kwargs control the execution of each split/set/range - Show Progress bar of the simulation
_execute_kwargs=dict(show_progress=False, clear_cache=50, collect_garbage=50) ## _execute_kwargs control the execution of your parameter combinations
An argument having underscore _
as the prefix (eg: _random_subset
) here means that the argument overrides the default argument value passed to the vbt.parameterized()
decorator. In this case, _random_subset = 500
means we will be doing only 500 simulations for each train split (7 train splits in total), as opposed to the default value of random_subset = 1000
set in the vbt.parameterized()
decorator above the optimal_2BB
function definition.

splitsStatistics on train
train_split_describe = pd.concat([train_perf[train_perf.index.get_level_values('split') == i].describe()\
for i in unique_splits], axis = 1,
keys = [f"Train_Split_{i}" for i in unique_splits])
## Compute baseline, best and worst returns for the overlaid line plots
train_split_best_returns = train_split_describe.loc['max'].reset_index(drop=True)
train_split_worst_returns = train_split_describe.loc['min'].reset_index(drop=True)
train_splits_baseline_returns = pd.Series([base_line_returns[i, "train"] for i in unique_splits])
## Create Box Plot for train_performance
train_split_fig = train_perf.vbt.boxplot(
xaxis_title="Train Splits",
yaxis_title="Sharpe Ratio"
train_split_best_returns.vbt.plot(trace_kwargs=dict(name="Best Returns", line=dict(color="limegreen", dash="dash")), fig=train_split_fig)
train_split_worst_returns.vbt.plot(trace_kwargs=dict(name="Worst Returns", line=dict(color="tomato", dash="dash")), fig=train_split_fig)
train_splits_baseline_returns.vbt.plot(trace_kwargs=dict(name="Baseline", line=dict(color="yellow", dash="dash")), fig=train_split_fig)

splitsPerformance Statistics on test
test_perf = splitter.apply(
apply_func = optimal_2BB, ## apply your strategy function to the splitter object, followed by its arguments
lower_tf = vbt.Param([1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 720], condition = "x <= higher_tf"),
higher_tf = vbt.Param([1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 720, 1440]),
ltf_rsi_timeperiod = vbt.Param(create_list_numbers(18, 22, 1)),
bb_price_timeperiod = vbt.Param(create_list_numbers(18, 22, 1)),
bb_rsi_timeperiod = vbt.Param(create_list_numbers(18, 22, 1)),
bb_price_nbdevup = vbt.Param(create_list_numbers(1.5, 2.5, step = 0.25)),
bb_price_nbdevdn = vbt.Param(create_list_numbers(1.5, 2.5, step = 0.25)),
bb_rsi_nbdevup = vbt.Param(create_list_numbers(1.5, 2.5, step = 0.25)),
bb_rsi_nbdevdn = vbt.Param(create_list_numbers(1.5, 2.5, step = 0.25)),
output_metric = "sharpe_ratio",
#### Arguments of splitter.apply() not related to strategy
index = vbt.Takeable(splitter.index), ## DataTime index from the splitter object
_random_subset = 500, ## Specify the nr. of simulations to run per test split
set_ = "test", ## Specify the set to be used for this CV simulation - train or test
merge_func ="concat", ## concat the results
execute_kwargs=dict(show_progress=True), ## execute_kwargs control the execution of each split/set/range - Show Progress bar of the simulation
_execute_kwargs=dict(show_progress=False, clear_cache=50, collect_garbage=50) ## _execute_kwargs control the execution of your parameter combinations

splitsStatistics on test
test_split_describe = pd.concat([test_perf[test_perf.index.get_level_values('split') == i].describe()\
for i in unique_splits], axis = 1,
keys = [f"Test_Split_{i}" for i in unique_splits])
## Compute baseline, best and worst returns for the overlaid line plots
test_split_best_returns = test_split_describe.loc['max'].reset_index(drop=True)
test_split_worst_returns = test_split_describe.loc['min'].reset_index(drop=True)
test_splits_baseline_returns = pd.Series([base_line_returns[i, "test"] for i in unique_splits])
## Create Box Plot for test_performance statistics
test_split_fig = test_perf.vbt.boxplot(
xaxis_title="Test Splits",
yaxis_title="Sharpe Ratio"
test_split_best_returns.vbt.plot(trace_kwargs=dict(name="Best Returns", line=dict(color="limegreen", dash="dash")), fig=test_split_fig)
test_split_worst_returns.vbt.plot(trace_kwargs=dict(name="Worst Returns", line=dict(color="tomato", dash="dash")), fig=test_split_fig)
test_splits_baseline_returns.vbt.plot(trace_kwargs=dict(name="Baseline", line=dict(color="yellow", dash="dash")), fig=test_split_fig)

splitsBONUS - Line-by-Line
Profiling of a python function
It is sometimes important to optimize your strategy function to reduce the time taken for each simulation. We can do, line by line profiling of optimal_2BB
function using this %load_ext line_profiler
When applying the line_profiler
you have to remove the vbt.parameterized()
decorator, and apply the line_profiler
on the unwrapped raw optimal_2BB
strategy function. Below is a snapshot of the results you will get from the line_profiler
which you can use to optimize aspects of your strategy function which have very higher Time per hit
